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Short Stories

Red Raven

Brittney Mckinney


Ever since she was a little girl, Kate knew she was different, for as long as she could remember strange things had happened around her and she could not understand why every time she would ask her parent they would say it was her imagination. Things would somehow fly across the room, she did not know why or how these things would happen but she would soon find out, she went online and looked it up and she found out that it was called telekinesis. Kate became persistent after that asking her parents as much as she could about telekinesis, her parents tried harder and harder to keep the truth from her but they knew eventually that they were going to have to reveal everything. Sometime later after Kate had became more in control of her powers she decided to tell her parents about what she could do, to say the least, they were not surprised. Her parents decided it was time to tell her the truth behind her powers and why they tried to keep it a secret, they told her that she was a raven.


Ravens are a group of extraordinary people with superhuman abilities, both Kate’s parents were ravens, it turns out Kate came from a long line of ravens, she was happy that she now knew what was really going on with her. After finding out she and her parents were superhuman Kate began asking then a whole bunch of questions about her powers, she wanted to know what their powers were and why they kept them a secret. Her mothers power was precognition she could see things before they happen and her fathers power was super influence he could put thoughts into peoples minds a make them do whatever he wanted. They told her that the reason they kept the truth from her was because they did not think she could handle it, they wanted to wait until she was old enough to deal with the responsibilities that came with having powers.


Kate’s parents decided that since she had discovered her powers that she would have to go before the council of elder ravens and present her powers to them so they could determine how powerful she was and at what level she was on. The next day she was taken to a very old building that looked like it had been there for years, inside people were doing lots of different things. Some people were having their powers tested and some people were watching and making notes, Kate was amazed by it all, she had never seen so many people like her.


In a back room there were three people, one was behind a desk the other was in one corner and the other was in another corner, the one at the desk had a clipboard and pen and the other two were holding things in their hands. The one at the desk told Kate that they were going to test her powers, she was told to move the object out of one of the people in the corners hand, she did so with ease. The next task they asked her to perform was moving both objects at the same time; she brought both things high in the air and set them down on the desk surprising both her self and everyone else in the room. Kate would come to the old building every chance she got; the council became more and more impressed with her growing powers. End


Copyright © 2011 Brittney Mckinney

All rights reserved.

The Dragon

There once was this dragon who had no place to go, he looked everywhere but could find no shelter, so one day as he was walking down the road he came across a weary traveler who was in need of some food to eat. The dragon asked to travel why he sat at the side of the road with a look of pain on his face and the traveler told him the story of how he got there and what was wrong with him, so the dragon decided to help the ailing traveler in his search for food. After miles of walking, they came to a river and in that river were some fish, the dragon told the traveler that he would fly down and grab the fish and you catch them when I throw them to you. So down the dragon flew into the water to get the fish and give them to the traveler, he did this several times, and that night the dragon and the traveler had a very good meal.

The next day the dragon and the traveler parted ways never to see each other again but to always remember the day they met and the way they helped each other, so on the dragon went looking for shelter and a place to stay. Down the road he went, while walking he noticed a nice green field of grass, he was so tired and wanted a place to rest, so he laid down in the field and fell asleep, not knowing whose green grass he was on. Looking out over his yard a farmer noticed the dragon laying in his grass, he ran out to scare the dragon off but the dragon just pleaded with the farmer to let him stay a little longer and in return, he would give him heat at night. The farmer agreed to let him stay for the night only to keep him warm and to keep out any unwanted visitors that came during the night,
the next day the farmer thanked the dragon and he was on his way.

The dragon kept on searching for a place to lay his head but still, he could not find a place to call his own, so on he went down the road till he came to a cave he noticed the cave was empty so he went in, he liked the cave and he wanted to live there. So that day he went to setting up his new, home with happy thoughts and well wishes for his new place, that night some robbers came across the cave after robbing a bank, they decided to hide out there. The dragon heard the noise the robbers were making and he came out from a corner of the cave, he gave the robbers such a fright that they ran off without gathering up their loot, the dragon had everything he ever wanted.

Old Blog Entries (2009)

What Happened to Music


What the hell happened to real music? Don’t get me wrong I like some of the music that out now it’s just that has no real meaning to it, it's all about the money and not about making good music we need to get back to that. In the last couple of years, I haven’t heard a good song with real meaning and something to it I wish that these artists could find out how to make a good song because it seems to me that they have no clue.  Now I’m not trying to say anything all I’m saying is that most of the songs out there today are the same I mean all the guys talk about is how they are going to give it to some girl or finding some girl at a club. The girls talk about some guy hurting them or how they are so much in love with some guy but it’s not all the artist fault the other half of the craziness comes from the record companies, money-hungry idiots. Those people don’t really care about the artists all they care about is the money, they milk them for everything they can then they toss them aside like trash, they make me sick with all this.

What the hell is up with the way they sell those CDs, when downloading started what was there big plan get these artists to try to compare there lives to the rest of us, talking about was taking money from there kids. Oh, I’m sorry now you're going to have to only buy 3 cars instead of 5, my bad, whom the hell did they think they were talking to people don’t have $20 to spend on a CD that going to get old after you listen to it 50 times because its not that great. So what was there second great plan take off a few dollars from the price and guess what it’s still too much, people are still going to download and there’s nothing you can do about it. Now I’m not trying to say anything all I’m saying is lowering the price from $20s to $16s is not going to be enough I mean you add that to the cost of concert tickets and merchandise we are paying hundreds of dollars just for one person. The acts of yesterday never did all this they were just happy to get their music out there for people to hear it and that why I love music from back then it was actually about real things and had feeling.

Looking back the music from the 50s and 60s had soul it had realness just like the people who sang them which is why so many of today’s artists are trying so hard to sound like them with there music but they will never come close. They shouldn’t try to sound the people of the past they should try to create something new, and stop putting out the same old thing, everything sounds the same, stand out from the crowd because at the end of the day if your not on every ones mind they won’t remember you.

Getting Your Life Together

In this fast-paced world, things tend to change around you and you don’t have time to catch up, years go by and somehow your life is out of order and you just can't seem to get everything back together, life makes it hard for you to live. I want to give my opinion on how I think you could get your life together, it’s not easy but it can be done if you are fully committed to getting where you need to go. First things first stop sitting around waiting for things to just happen, if you want something in this life you have to go out there and work for, hard work always pays offs. Next, get all your priorities in check, make a list, put the things you need first then the things you want second, you have to know what you want before you can go out there and get it. Last, map out a plan and go put that plan into action, it’s never too late to get your life together, everything is out there for you to do this, you just have look for it.

Procrastination is never a good thing, people who waste time with stupid things never get anywhere, you have to get up and get a move on, life won’t wait for you, it will pass you by if you sit there and let it. I myself use to be a procrastinator but now I try real hard to do what I need to do, it’s hard but I still try, now if you want to stop wasting time with nonsense things here are some things you can do. You can make a list of things you need to do, order them by how long it will take you to do them, and start working at the list if you do the hard stuff first the easy stuff will be a piece of cake. You could set little reminders all over the place so that every time you see them you will be reminded of the things you have to do. There are so many things you can do and maybe by reading this you might come up with your own way to stop procrastinating, the possibilities are endless if you really want to get your life together.

Putting your priorities in check is a big part of getting your life together, if you don’t have goals your plan would be useless, you have to figure out what you want in order to get it. Put your needs before your wants and be practical about the things that you really need because getting the things you really need is the most important thing, what good is a car with no home to drive it to. Stop buying stupid things that you know you don’t need, they always cost way more than you can afford, and you're going to end up taking it back so don’t waste your time in buying it. There is a list of goals you should have and it goes like this: education, work, car, and house, you can rearrange it any way you want but this is something you should get to know well you're going to need it. You will need to get an education in order to get a job and you will need to work to get a house and buy a car, its really hard but if you start now it will get easier.

Now its time for you to but your plan into action, if you have gotten this far you should pat yourself on the back most people don’t make it this far they get stuck on the needs and wants, they start out ready then they fall apart. So congratulations you got your plan and you are ready to take action, there are many obstacles along the way but if you work really hard and stay on track you will reach your goals in no time.


Unappreciative people are all around us walking around with there hand out thinking were suppose to just give them whatever they want any time they want, why do you think they do this, is it because that’s the way they were raised or is it something more. I think its something else I think they wasted or are in the process of wasting their lives and they want everything to be easy, but life’s not easy. I have to deal with these people all the time and it drives me nuts, all day long they sit around doing nothing, they never want to help out with anything and I’m sick of it, get up and do something. Now, why can’t they get up and get a job, well it all goes back to the whole wasting there lives thing, they are too afraid to try because they will have to actually work to get it and they don’t want to work for anything. All I’m saying is people are getting sick of taking care of grown-ass people it time they stop being babies and started acting like adults, you want the respect of an adult but you have the mentality a 2-year-old.

Now people with money are just as bad as the ones without money, they think that just cause they have money they can do whatever they want and get away with it, they have all this money and what do they choose to do with it throw it away on meaningless things. It makes me wonder if the reason they spend so much money on superficial things is to cover up the fact that they are really empty inside, mommy and daddy were too busy to be a real family so they fill the hole with useless things. They act like the world is there playground and they can do whatever they want, getting in out of trouble throwing money at any problem that comes their way. They could throw some of that money at the places that really need it, stop saying you’re going to help out, and then give these small ass checks to these greedy ass charities. Some natural disaster happens and here they come to save the day, I can’t stand the way they try so hard to make us think they are just like us but you always see them in there expensive cars going into the stores we can’t afford to park at.

You see when it comes to certain things people with money are no better than the rest of us, they think just like the average unappreciative, loser, they want to do the quickest, easiest thing that takes up less of there time. They walk around here like the world owes them something when the truth is the world gave them everything they just wasted it all away, they were given every chance in the world and from that, they got this attitude that that’s the way everything is supposed to go. I just think its time that they started living up to there potential because there is so much they could do out there and if they actually tried they might surprise themselves and the people around them.

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